Chapters 1&2
Stonebrand is the story of a human woman raised in a family of dwarves in the underground city of
Kildal, Dali Stonebrand.
Dali is a chronically awkward but good-hearted person attempting to use
her magic for good, but when she finds herself thrust into an unlikely crew of society’s less than reputable creation, she must overcome her own anxieties to ensure everyone makes it to the end of their treasure hunt without firing bolts, slipping blades, or sending spells into each other's backs.
Stoneshaper is the first chapter in A Tale of Two Bards, the story of a young bard, Vinnie Cinderstone, and his mentorship under Lillieta Neverdance. Together they weave tales across countries, but there’s more to their adventure than meets the eye, as Vinnie uses the lessons taught
by his mentor to aid in his hunt for the crown jewel of his story collection, the tale of his own